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Seven tips for your season start at the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON Inlineskating

The first half marathon of the year is just around the corner – and you're ready to give it your all on your inline skates! We’ll tell you what matters after a long winter break to make it to the finish line healthy and successfully.

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Two happy skaters at the finish line 2024 © Thilo Wiedensohler / SCC EVENTS

1. Stay relaxed – don’t overdo it just before the race 

It’s tempting to intensively train in the last few days before the race, but that could do more harm than good. Use the remaining time to regain your confidence on wheels. In the last
week before the race, train consciously at a relaxed pace to arrive at the start well-rested and fresh.

2. Equipment check – get your gear race-ready

Nothing is more frustrating than having problems with your skates or wheels during the race. Check your equipment thoroughly before you head to the start line: Inspect the wheels, replace them if necessary, and make sure every screw is tight. New skates should not be tested last-minute – trust what you know well.

3. Proper nutrition

Pay attention to your diet in the last days leading up to the race. Focus on easily digestible carbohydrates to optimize your energy levels. On the day of the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON, no experiments! Have breakfast the same way you’ve tried it in training.

4. Warm up early – but not too much

On race day, a thorough but short warm-up is key. Skate for a few minutes at a relaxed pace, stretch your legs, and be careful not to exhaust yourself. The goal is to get your muscles warmed up and your blood flowing, without wasting energy.

5. Start steady – with a clear head

The first few kilometers are crucial. Don’t start the race too fast, but find your own steady pace. It’s better to hold back a bit at the beginning and be able to increase your pace later, rather than burn out too early.

6. Listen to your body – and enjoy the race

Your participation in the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON should primarily be fun! Listen to your body. If you feel pain or excessive fatigue, ease up and play it safe. The goal is to reach the finish line safely and healthily, not necessarily to set a personal best.

Geschafft! Glückliche Inlineskater nach ihrem gelungenen Saisonstart 2024 © Thomas Wendt / SCC EVENTS

7. Reach the finish line – with joy and pride

Just before the finish line, you can push yourself one last time – but only if you feel confident. Remember, completing the first half marathon after the winter break is a great achievement, no matter how fast you are. Celebrate your success, no matter when you cross the finish line!
With these tips, you have the best chances for a great season start. Stay calm, enjoy the race, and show yourself what you can achieve after the winter break.


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