The Human Safety Net

Run and do good

Together with The Human Safety Net

Since the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON 2019 more than 30,000 € were donated. The donations will go to the SOS Children's Village in Berlin Hellersdorf, where they will be used to finance sport programmes.

Once again this year, when participating in the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON you can run and donate an amount of your choice to The Human Safety Net.


The Human Safety Net is the global foundation of the Generali Group and active in 26 countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. THSN aims to promote social participation and develop human potential. To achieve this, we cooperate with innovative non-profit organizations and social enterprises. At the same time, Generali is mobilizing the group's resources and competencies for The Human Safety Net and its partners.

As a part of your registration, you have the opportunity to donate.

Generali - The Human Safety Net - Deutschland gemeinnützige GmbH welcomes individual and corporate donations to support activities for our programme participants.

The programmes of our partner organisations benefit 100% of the donations.

Become part of the movement with your contribution and give deprived people a chance for a better life.

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The Human Safety Net project

Find out more about the social project of The Human Safety Net

With its social initiative The Human Safety Net, Generali supports disadvantaged families with young children. Family centres, parenting courses and other practical help enable young children to grow up with a sense of security, stimulation and real opportunities in life.

Since 2018, The Human Safety Net has supported over 84,000 parents and children in difficult circumstances, made more difficult by poverty and the coronavirus crisis. Many Generali employees volunteer as reading mentors and mentors as well as at children's parties.

Find out more about The Human Safety Net: or Instagram: @thehumansafetynet

Our mission

The Human Safety Net mission is to unlock the potential of people living in vulnerable circumstances, so that they can transform the lives of their families and communities. Our programs support vulnerable families with young children (0-6 years) and integrate refugees through work and entrepreneurship. We are an open net and we welcome working with companies, organizations and foundations who share the same goals. We are a global movement of people helping people.


Together with #generalibewegtdeutschland and our partner SOS-Kinderdorf e.V., THSN helps disadvantaged families and their children to improve their opportunities for a good and healthy life. The first six years of life are the most important and crucial for the development and better and healthier growth of children. How children move at this age and what motor skills they learn shapes their health and their entire life.

SOS-Familienzentrum Berlin

SOS-Kinderdorf offers families and children a nationwide network of flexible, in-patient and out-patient help, family counselling, educational opportunities and daycare centers, and provides a safe home for children who find themselves in particularly difficult life situations. The Human Safety Net for Families supports family-strengthening programs in SOS-Children's Villages facilities, such as the SOS-Family Centre Berlin.


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The more exercise, the better.

Your donation supports sports and exercise opportunities for small children at the SOS Family Center Berlin in Hellersdorf

Your donation makes the difference.

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