Wheelchair competitors and Handbikers
Regardless of the type of disablement, only those participants are eligible to start who can finish the race on their own.
Auxiliary drives of any kind are not allowed
Kneeling bikes are not allowed in the race
Wheelchair competitors
- T 1 Quadriplegic Tetraplegia C5/C6: No functionality of the legs, trunk or fingers; no ability to straighten the elbows
- T 2 Quadriplegic Tetraplegia C6/C7: No functionality of the legs or trunk; limited hand functionality; arms and shoulders fully functional
- T 3/4 Quadriplegic Paraplegia and other disabilities (e.g. amputations): Full arm and hand functionality; limited to full trunk functionality; some impaired leg functionality.
- H1–H4 Recumbent hand cycle or adaptive bike / H1 Tetraplegia C6 and higher:Limited functionality of the arms and hands; severe limitations to straightening the elbows; limited temperature regulation
- H2 Tetraplegia C7/C8: Limited functionality of the arms and hands; limited temperature regulation
- H3 Paraplegia up to TH10: Limited trunk stability
- H4 Paraplegia from TH11 to L4, leg amputations : Limited or no lower leg functionality; double upper leg amputations; normal or almost normal trunk stability
Wearing a safety helmet is mandatory. NO start without a helmet!
There will be a separate leading car for the wheelchair athletes and handbikers.
Any danger points along the course are indicated by track posts with a warning flag. Inform yourself in advance about the danger points in the interactive map.
There are tram tracks at km 15.5, so please drive carefully and follow the instructions of the track posts with warning flags.
Time measurement is done exclusively with the MIKA TAG.
Wheelchair users and hand cyclists will receive 2 MIKA TAGs. One MIKA-TAG will be on the back of your bib number, the second should be attached to the front of the wheelchair/handbike with a cable tie.
The timing is done as usual by rolling over the mats at the start and finish. Since the MIKA TAG is a "disposable transponder", there is no need to return the start number. Furthermore there is no additional rental fee, the time keeping is included in your participation fee.
Owner of a Chip
From 2024 on our timing service provider can no longer use the ChampionChip for time measurement. The technology will no longer be supported. Therefore all participants will receive a disposable transponder.