SCC RUNNING has already received 12,500 registrations for the 25th Bewag BERLIN
HALF MARATHON, including almost 11,600 runners and 900 inline skaters.
That is already more than were registered at the same time last year. In 2004,
over 17,000 participants started in the largest German half marathon. The
anniversary race, which will start and finish near the Berlin Cathedral, will
begin at noon on April 3rd. Registration is still possible.
Zaituc and Freigang
One elite female runner is among the registered runners. After announcing the
participation of the 1992 Olympic bronze medallist, Stephan Freigang (SC DHfK
Leipzig), Race Director Mark Milde has now made public that Luminita Zaituc (LG
Braunschweig) will race in the 25th Bewag BERLIN HALF MARATHON.
The 35-year-old long-distance specialist is currently the strongest and most
successful German road racer.
Personal best time of 2:26:01 in the marathon
Zaituc, who is originally from Romania, has achieved several noteworthy
successes in the marathon. One year after her marathon debut, she came in
second in the European Championships in Munich in 2002. In 2001, she had won
the Frankfurt Marathon in her standing personal best time of 2:26:01. In 2003,
Luminita Zaituc won again in Frankfurt, and last year at the Olympics in Athens
she ran a strong 18th place in the hot marathon. Just two months later she came
in 6th in the prestigious New York City Marathon (2:28:15 h).
German half marathon champion with 69:50
The Bewag BERLIN HALF MARATHON will be the first major international road race
for Luminita Zaituc in the new season. The German half marathon champion in
2004 has a personal best time of 69:50 minutes, which she achieved three years
ago in Paderborn. She could possibly improve this time on the fast Berlin
FUN-RUN about 3,5 km
There is a FUN-RUN too about 3,5 km for everybody - for beginners. Especially
kids from Berlin schools will take part.
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